Bouquet of 12, 24 or 36 Stems of Red Roses
Tempt them with this bouquet of 12, 24 or 36 red roses. Nestled amongst lush green foliage and perfectly wrapped and tied with ribbon, your loved one will adore them
Prices include local delivery.
12 stems (1Doz) Standard Price $200.00
24 Stems (2 Doz) Deluxe Price $400.00
36 Stems (3 Doz) Luxury Price $600.00
Please note - the foliage used may vary due to season and availability, we will choose the best quality to create your Bouquet.
* To ensure flower freshness throughout the delivery process, all flower items are sent out with a small amount of water secured at the bottom of the stems
Bouquet of 12, 24 or 36 Stems of Red Roses
Tempt them with this bouquet of 12, 24 or 36 red roses. Nestled amongst lush green foliage and perfectly wrapped and tied with ribbon, your loved one will adore them
Prices include local delivery.
12 stems (1Doz) Standard Price $200.00
24 Stems (2 Doz) Deluxe Price $400.00
36 Stems (3 Doz) Luxury Price $600.00
Please note - the foliage used may vary due to season and availability, we will choose the best quality to create your Bouquet.
* To ensure flower freshness throughout the delivery process, all flower items are sent out with a small amount of water secured at the bottom of the stems
638 200.00 Chatswood Hills Florist at Springwood